Tips For Repeat Website Traffic

Earning repeat website traffic can be quite simple with the strategies in place to generate targeted website traffic, and traffic that is targeted is also more likely to browse through further pages becoming familiar with the site. Once you get the traffic, you then need to have what the visitor was looking for or somewhat expecting what to see upon visiting any pages with a website. If any one particular site does not provide the content that interests the reader, lacks product, possible errors, or by the end of all they just don’t feel quite right for whatever reason, they could possibly be lost for good and we want repeat website traffic.

10 Useful Tips For Repeat Website Traffic

1. Update the pages and content on your website frequently, as stagnant websites can be dropped by some search engines. You could even place a date counter on the XML Sitemap to show when it was last updated.

2. Offer additional value on your website, even free content. Affiliates and partners can also place links to their sites or products while asking them to do the same for you in return. You can also advertise books or videos as an affiliate, and if these products are related to your industry and are of course not in direct competition with your own products or services.

3. You may also allow customers to ‘subscribe’ or ‘opt-in’ and receiving discounts, coupon codes or special offers. Placing a subscribe button or pop-up throughout your website inviting visitors or customers to ‘opt in’ to get a monthly newsletter, valuable coupons and is an opportunity for repeat website traffic with well presented offers.

4. Adding a link to your primary pages with small script ‘Book Mark or Add this site to your Favorites’ will make your site easily accessible from the ‘icon’ if one forgets the name of your website.

5. Adding the Facebook Products such as the ‘Recommend this site to a Friend’ option, and share buttons. The visitor can also email your website link, with a pre-written title “I thought you might be interested in this”, and it’s sent all within a few clicks from a simple share.

6. Make your website it’s own entity, branding your website with business colors and logos so that visitors always know they are on your website. Use colors consistently throughout, with logos and slogans which returning visitors will recognize. It is also a good idea to always provide a ‘Contact Us’ page link on your site often placed in either the main navigation or footer links.

7. Create an ‘Our Policies’ page that clearly defines your principles and philosophy in dealing with your visitors or customers. Post your privacy policy, with link in the footer so that people can find it and defining your policies.

8. Create an FAQ page which addresses some questions, any possible doubts and clarifications about any part of your website, product, service or your company that is more likely to be asked. This will help in resolving any doubts the visitor may have from their first initial visit to your website.

9. Ensure that every page on your website has the appropriate titles, meta information and keywords so that your customer can always find their way back to your website if they happen to lose the bookmark.

10. Some people regard a few emails a week as spam, and this is one thing to keep in mind to never spam a client who has opted in for newsletters, then sending them unsolicited emails. If they decide they want to ‘opt out’ of all mailings, be sure to honor their request and remove them from the mailing list. You will also need an un-subscribe option at the base of the email, and they may still be returning visitors if they like your products.

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